How to Stop Seasickness

Seasickness is a common problem experienced by many people who go out to sea. It can be an uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating experience, but it doesn`t have to ruin your day on the water. In this blog post, we`ll discuss what seasickness is, why it happens, and most importantly – how you can prevent or manage it so that you can enjoy your time at sea without any of the unpleasant side effects. We’ll also provide some tips for dealing with seasickness if you find yourself affected by it anyway. So whether you`re heading out for a leisurely cruise or a serious fishing trip, read on to make sure you stay safe and healthy while enjoying your time at sea!

Symptoms of seasickness

Seasickness is often characterized by the following;

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sweating 
  • Increased saliva production 
  • Fatigue 

How can seasickness be treated? 

Make sure you`re well rested

It is important to get plenty of rest before you embark on your journey at sea, as it can help reduce the risk of seasickness. Being well-rested will give your body the energy and stamina it needs to better cope with the motion of a boat or ship. Additionally, getting enough sleep helps keep your inner ear balanced which is essential for helping you stay oriented when out at sea. To ensure that you are getting an adequate amount of rest before heading out, make sure to plan ahead and try to get 8 hours of sleep every night in the days leading up to your trip. This way, you`ll be more likely to enjoy yourself without any unpleasant side effects from seasickness! 

Seek out fresh air 

Fresh air can be a great way to help prevent or manage seasickness. This is because the fresh air helps keep your inner ear balanced and gives you something else to focus on besides the movement of the boat or ship. It also helps reduce anxiety, which can contribute to nausea and dizziness associated with seasickness. Additionally, breathing in clean air can reduce symptoms like sweating, fatigue, and increased saliva production that are often experienced when someone is feeling seasick. Taking regular breaks outside in the fresh air while at sea will help provide relief from any unpleasant side effects of motion sickness. If you can, try and find some fresh air higher up on board if possible: this will help keep you away from the spray of the waves, and reduce the motion of waves which could make you feel more nauseous. 

Focus on the nearest landmass 

Focusing on the horizon, or the nearest landmass if you`re close to the shore, can be a great way to help prevent or manage seasickness. The motion of the boat or ship is often less noticeable when looking out at the horizon, and this can help reduce any feelings of nausea or dizziness. It also allows you to take your mind off of the rocking sensation that may be causing your seasickness in the first place. Taking regular breaks to look out at the horizon while sailing will provide relief from any unpleasant side effects associated with seasickness and make sure you remain safe and healthy throughout your journey. 

Try taking a ginger supplement 

Used by sailors for centuries, ginger is a natural remedy to help alleviate nausea and prevent seasickness. It works by stimulating the digestive system, which can help reduce feelings of queasiness and dizziness associated with motion sickness. Ginger also helps to increase saliva production, which helps keep your inner ear balanced while at sea and reduce symptoms like sweating, fatigue, and increased salivation that are often experienced when someone is feeling seasick. Taking ginger before you embark on your journey at sea will help ensure that you remain safe and healthy throughout the trip!

Seasickness can be an unpleasant experience for anyone who is heading out at sea, but there are ways to prevent or manage it. Getting plenty of rest before your journey, taking breaks outside in the fresh air and focusing on the horizon while sailing can all help reduce any feelings of nausea or dizziness that may occur due to motion sickness. With these tips in mind, you should now feel confident about staying safe and healthy during your next trip out at sea!

Planning your next boat trip? Make sure you`re safe from seasickness and properly insured with Velos Boat Insurance
